Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Claw

Visual development for a story about a fat, stuffed rabbit who has been stuck inside of a claw machine his entire life and wants nothing more than a friend and to be free from the machine.

Huge Laurie Zbrush

My first attempt at Zbrush!  Despite the how frustrating the program was in the beginning, I enjoy it much more than I thought I would.  I still haven't gotten his likeness nailed down, but most people seem to recognize who it is so I am pretty happy with how it came out.

The Llama Herder and Virgin of the Sun

Visual development for story based on an Incan myth about a llama herder falling in love with a sun goddess.  I was really unhappy with the character design which is why I haven't posted it here.  Hopefully, I can go back and revisit it sometime to make it better.

"Three Little Pigs"

The assignment was to work in a group an tell your own version of the The Three Little pigs.  Our story took place in medieval times, and chose to illustrate the environments.  Started in illustrator and finished in photoshop.

Painter Still Life

Caramel apple still life painted in Corel Painter X.

Controversial Topic

Illustration of our chosen controversial topic.  The rest is pretty self-explanatory.

"The Legends"

It had been awhile since I had attempted any portraits so I thought I would give it a go.  I decided to do three golf legends who all have nicknames associated with animals: Tiger, The Hawk, and The Great White.  I also wanted to revisit illustrator considering how long it had been since I used it.

Old Work

  A couple of paintings from my sophomore year.  Mostly landscape and still life painting.  (Not the greatest quality due to my camera)